Why did Obama administration lie to America about Benghazi?

What we are learning with the new release of previously withheld emails is the motive behind the Obama administration’s coverup in the Benghazi affair. The belated release of the 2012 talking points email from deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes proves that senior White House officials were fully engaged in directing the coverup.

As then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton irritably asked me in 2013: What difference does it make? I lay out the answer in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

“According to the Rhodes email, the goal of the administration's Benghazi spin was ‘to underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.’ This was in spite of the fact that within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack, the administration knew — or certainly should have known — there was no protest.

“So why did the administration lie to America?

“Because the truth would have damaged President Barack Obama's re-election chances and further revealed Clinton's dereliction of duty that contributed to the unnecessary deaths of four brave Americans. She fully understood her culpability in the Benghazi tragedy, which is why she reacted so testily to my reasonable line of questioning.”

That truth involved a series of outrages – administration action, or lack of action, that resulted in four brave Americans losing their lives needlessly. Judge for yourself whether this is how our government should behave. The administration’s actions since that night have revolved around keeping Americans from learning the truth and making that judgment.