Human Events: Without Government-Shrink, Sen. Ron Johnson's Voting No on Debt-Limit Hike

By Jason Mattera

President Obama can count on newly elected Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin as a “no” vote on increasing the debt limit.  That is, unless the Democrats agree to major structural spending reforms that dramatically curtail federal expenditures moving forward.

What types of reforms is Johnson looking for?  For one, a constitutional amendment that limits the size of government to a percentage of our economy.  “For over 50 years, revenue coming in to the federal government has been 18.8% on average.  That’s the number we should be pegging,” Johnson told Human Events.

“That’s the root cause of the problem—the size, the scope, [and] all the regulations.”

And if these reforms aren’t implemented, Johnson unhesitatingly says he will vote against a spending-cap increase.  The U.S. government is expected to hit its borrowing maximum by early August.

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