My Trip to the Border
Visiting the Southern Border
Sen. Johnson's Wall Street Journal Opinion Column
Cartels are pocketing hundreds of millions of dollars ushering immigrants through Mexico. America's broken immigration system, our laws and legal loopholes sustain this wicked business model. Our laws must change. Once illegal immigrants realize we will not allow our laws to be exploited, fewer will risk paying human traffickers, and the flow will be reduced.
Read more about Sen. Johnson's ideas to solve the border crisis in the Wall Street Journal.
UpFront Television Interview Recaps Trip
For an in-depth recap of Sen. Johnson's border trip, watch the interview he did with UpFront. He said the influx of migrants is out of control and the border patrol personnel have been turned into a mere "speedbump" on the road to permanent residency.
The interview aired on stations throughout Wisconsin last weekend, and you can watch it here.
Media on Sen. Johnson's Border Trip
READ: Washington Post article on legislation to tighten asylm standards.
READ: Journal Sentinel " We are in full catch-and-release right now."
WATCH: America's Newsroom about the need for more consequences for those illegally crossing the border.