Johnson Discusses Border Security and Democrats’ $1.9 Trillion Bill on ‘Fox News Live’

WASHINGTON — In an appearance on ‘Fox News Live’ U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) talked about the Biden administration’s open border policies and the passing of the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion government expansion bill.

Excerpts from the interview are below and video of the interview can be found here.

On border security:

“We're just seeing the tip of the iceberg and this is actually being caused by President Biden’s policies. He stopped building the wall, we had about 250 miles left to build that's already under contract. If you cancel those contracts, the American taxpayer will still be out the billions of dollars that they're going to be held responsible for and we're not securing our border.”

On Democrats’ $1.9 trillion bill:

“We did not need to authorize another $1.9 trillion, in total we're about $28 trillion in debt. We did not need this.”
