Democrat Policies Putting Wisconsin Communities at Risk

Radical Left is Soft on Crime

Sen. Johnson at Press Conference

I joined five of my Republican colleagues in a press conference to discuss rising crime in communities across America. 2022 is set to be a record breaking year for Wisconsin homicides thanks to the radical left's soft-on-crime policies and dispiriting, anti-police rhetoric.

Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes. Democrat policies put Wisconsin communities at risk. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor started their administration with a goal of reducing the prison population by 50%. The result? 884 criminals free on the streets and headed to a city near you.

Grilling Big Tech Execs on Censorship

Big Tech Censorship Hearing

During a hearing entitled, Social Media's Impact on Homeland Security, I pressed former and current executives from Twitter, Meta, YouTube and TikTok on censorship, the silencing of conservative voices, the influence of misinformation surrounding elections, internal political bias at social media companies and their role in removing COVID-19 disinformation.

Tweet: President Biden lied to the American public about the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Post Millennial: Sen. Johnson demands answers from Twitter CEO about how COVID facts were determined to be "misinformation"

Fox News: Sen. Johnson demands YouTube answer for "repeated censorship" on COVID, conservative viewpoints

Pressing CDC on COVID Vaccine Adverse Events

Sen. Johnson with Vaccine Injured

I sent a follow-up letter to CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky regarding her inadequate and unacceptable response about CDC's surveillance of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events.

I've been fighting the CDC's lack of transparency in light of inconsistent statements on this matter. This comes as I continue to meet with vaccine injured people (like Maddie de Garay, pictured above) who just want the chance to be seen, heard and believed about their adverse vaccine reactions.

Protecting Charter Schools from Biden Admin's Attacks

charter schools

I joined my Republican colleagues in introducing legislation to nullify new rules proposed by the Biden administration which would add burdensome requirements to charter schools seeking funding.

These new changes would place federal, one-size-fits-all requirements on charter schools, making it difficult, if not impossible, for many high-quality public schools to receive funding. Despite substantial bipartisan backlash, the administration is moving ahead with its plans, which will strip families of education choice and give more power to bureaucrats in D.C.

Women for Gun Rights

Women for Gun Rights

Thanks to a 15-year old from Eau Claire writing to my office for a meeting, I got the chance to learn more about the DC Project. It's a nationwide network of women committed to safeguarding the Second Amendment through education and safety training.