Disastrous Debt Deal

Massive Deficit Spending Continues

Fiscal Sanity Press Conference

I voted against suspending the debt limit. Here's why.

The original bill passed by the House to increase the debt ceiling contained the bare minimum of spending restraint and policy improvements. In addition to this, the bill also increased the debt ceiling by a fixed dollar amount - $1.5 trillion.

The Biden-McCarthy deal suspended the debt ceiling, and no one can tell for sure how much additional borrowing will occur as a result. Unfortunately, Democrats seem to have no problem mortgaging our children's future and Republicans haven't figured out a way to stop them.

I've consistently voted against massive deficit spending, so I'll let those who consistently support it vote to increase the debt ceiling to accommodate their recklessness.

Speaking of massive spending, click on my tweet to listen to my questioning in a recent Senate Budget Committee hearing.

Tweet about progressives ideal tax rate

Right to Try Anniversary

Right to Try Bill Signing

One of my most significant accomplishments in the U.S. Senate is getting the Right to Try Act passed into law. On May 30, we marked the fifth anniversary of President Trump signing the bill.

Since that time, the law is literally saving lives. It gives certain patients hope and freedom to try drugs that haven't completed all FDA clinical trials.

My championing of Right to Try started with a young Wisconsin mom, Trickett Wendler, who had ALS. Her husband and daughter joined me at the bill signing five years ago. (pictured above)

For the anniversary of this legislative achievement, I joined Rep. Michael C. Burgess, M.D.(R-Texas) on his podcast Doctor in the House. We talked about the significance of the law and how to enhance it.

The Unseen Crisis Documentary

Sen. Johnson interview in film

I recently appeared on the The Epoch Times new documentary, The Unseen Crisis . The feature length production goes in-depth on the hidden stories of the vaccine injured.

Since our Milwaukee press conference in June 2021, the COVID Cartel has been suppressing stories of the vaccine injured. This documentary is a MUST WATCH so these people can be seen, heard, believed, and treated.

Speaking of a must watch, I tweeted the link to the 2-hour testimony of attorney Aaron Siri in the Arizona state senate. Siri is a true hero to anyone affected by vaccine injuries or involved in the medical freedom movement.

Tweet about testimony to watch

Wisconsin Students on Capitol Hill

Maple Dale School Visit

On June 1, I met with 8th graders from Maple Dale School in Fox Point. I always welcome the opportunity to answer student questions in Washington or back in Wisconsin!

Milton students on Capitol steps

Thanks to the seniors from Milton High School who visited me at the U.S. Capitol in May. Lots of great questions from this Discovering Democracy group.

With 8th graders from Seymour 

It was fun to meet the 8th graders from Seymour Middle School in the Milwaukee airport on their way to Washington.