Johnson Calls for Senate Passage of Midnight Rule Relief Act

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Johnson (WI) today commented on Committee passage of H.R. 4067, the Midnight Rule Relief Act, in the House of Representatives:

“I’m glad that the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has approved the Midnight Rule Relief Act. Congressman Ribble’s great leadership on this bill has led to today’s important bipartisan vote. I am hopeful that the House can act on this bill promptly, and that the Senate will approve companion legislation that I have introduced.

“The annual regulatory burden on the economy is $1.75 trillion. More than 11,000 regulations have been issued since that number was calculated, and another $220 billion of regulations are in the pipeline under this Administration.  This legislation would provide relief to job creators by creating some sense of stability. 

“Significant regulatory actions should be proposed and put in place before Election Day. Too often, Presidents wait until after the voters have spoken to impose new and costly rules – rules that the people ought to know about before going to the polls. This bill ensures that except for some specific circumstance, new major regulations will not be imposed once a President has become a lame duck.”


National Association of Manufacturers

“Preventing a rush to regulate at the end of presidential administrations and during transitions in the makeup of Congress is important to creating certainty in the economy.  Manufacturing investment and job creation are put on surer footings when regulations are thoughtfully analyzed and controversial rules are not issued by surprise.  This legislation is a positive step in creating a better regulatory environment for an improved economy.”

Susan Eckerly, Senior Vice President, Public Policy, National Federation of Independent Businesses:

"NFIB appreciates the leadership of Senator Ron Johnson to reduce the regulatory burden on small business and strongly supports the Midnight Rule Relief Act of 2012.  Senator Johnson's bill would ensure that the regulatory process is not bypassed with new, not-yet-vetted rules in the waning days of an administration’s term. Uncertainty is one of the top concerns of small business owners and last minute rules by an outgoing administration could present a regulatory nightmare."

U.S. Chamber of Commerce:

“Such so-called “midnight regulations” are often controversial rules that the outgoing administration could not or would not issue before the election for political reasons. With no political consequences after the election, they are easily pushed through. Midnight regulations pose problems for businesses that must comply with a rapidly-changing set of rules—not to mention the ensuing Congress and administration, which then must spend the next few years trying to undo them, with very mixed results.”

Bill Wilson, President, Americans for Limited Government:

“Senator Ron Johnson’s common sense proposal to limit the power of the President to push through costly, overly burdensome midnight regulations at the end of his or her term of office should be passed by acclamation.” 

Johnson’s legislation is S.2368. The bill is cosponsored by 34 members of the Senate, including Senators Ayotte (NH), Barrasso (WY), Blunt (MO), Boozman (AR), Burr (NC), Chambliss (GA), Coats (IN), Coburn (OK), Cochran (MS), Collins (ME), Cornyn (TX), DeMint (SC), Graham (SC), Heller (NV), Hoeven (ND), Hutchison (TX), Inhofe (OK), Isakson (GA), Johanns (NE), Kyl (AZ), Lee (UT), McCain (AZ), McConnell (KY), Moran (KS), Paul (KY), Risch (ID), Roberts (KS), Rubio (FL), Sessions (AL), Shelby (AL), Thune (SD), Toomey (PA), Vitter (LA), and Wicker (MS).
